Anston Park Junior School

Anston Park Junior School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Park Avenue, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S25 2QZ

01909 550779


Subject leader - Mr French

Why is reading important? 

Reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator for success in life, more than family circumstances, educational background, or income. 

(Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development). 

Make sure you scroll right to the bottom of this page to find lots of free e-books and resources to explore!

Our reading menu offers a whole range of novels. Choose an adventure or a science fiction novel. Select a refreshing comedy. Settle down with an award winning story or explore our talented range of authors from around the world. Feast your eyes on a beautiful picture book or devour one of our incredible classic novels. 

Please download our Reading Menu for each year group by clicking on the buttons below. You can find out which novels have been selected for each year group and a brief description.

 Y3 Menu.pdfDownload
 Y4 menu.pdfDownload
 Y5 menu.pdfDownload
 Y6 menu.pdfDownload
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Keep track of how many of our menu books you have tried, tasted or devoured. Remember to look out for books by the same author if you find one that you really like. How many of our books will you manage to read before you leave? (We hope you take a love of books and reading with you!) Try as many as you can -  and remember, never judge a book by its cover - you never know what you might enjoy...


At Anston Park Junior School, we love books. We don't just love 'real books' we also value virtual books. Please feel free to browse our virtual library below. (With thanks to Marine Academy Plymouth.)

You might need to download the document to be able to click on the books.


To help us promote reading, each class has two Reading Mentors. These are members of the class who love to read and share their love of reading with others in lots of different ways. You could organise reading  groups or recommend to other children books that you have read. We're always looking for new ideas to spread the positive message about reading. If you're interested in becoming a Reading Mentor for your class, you can download the job description and application for below.

 Reading Mentors.pdfDownload
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You can also try out these great ebooks - just click on the title. There's even a free copy of the comic Beano!


If you're looking for a great story, have a look at this great collection from the great website 

You can use the QR code or click on the link to watch a video of the book's author reading the story. Listen, enjoy and eperiment with new authors and find a story that you enjoy. Can you spot which of the books are already on our Reading Menu? Should we add any others? Have a listen...


(If you aren't using the QR code links, you will need to download the document before you can click on the links.)


If you are looking for books to read at home, have a look at the Book Finder from the Book Trust website. Simply click on the age group, select a genre and take a look at hundreds of recommended books to try.  Click on the image below to visit the Book Trust's Book Finder.


You can also find a list of recommended books for each year group at the website. Click the image below - select your year group and click on the book cover to go straight to the Amazon page where you can find out more about the book.



You can also visit Funbrain to access and read books online. Click on the picture below.


Looking for your child's next book or a reading list on a certain issue? Discover some of the best new books, as well as the children's classics waiting to be re-discovered. From babies to teenagers, they've got it covered - click on the logo below.


You can explore a whole range of authors and listen to some of their stories at the Book Trust Youtube channel. Have a good look around - you might be inspired to pick up another of the authors' books. Click on the link below


If you want a real reading challenge, download our Book Bingo cards. Can you complete a row? Will you manage a full house? Remember to let us know how you've got on! You can download the bingo cards below to share at home.  Eyes down...


Do you know a Reading Hero? It could be someone who has helped you with your reading, or spent time listening to you read or talking about books. It could be someone that has recommended a book to you or someone who helped you choose and buy a book. If you want to say thank you, you can download out Reading Hero certificate to pass on your thanks. Click on the button below.

 Reading Hero award.pdfDownload
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You can find lots of competitions to enter on the World Book Day website. The website has lots of ideas about reading. It's not just for Book Day! Have a look at the latest competitions by clicking on the link below. You might win an amazing new book. Don't forget to explore the rest of the World Book Day website too - there are lots of great resources.